Getting Started Tutorial
This aim of this tutorial is to provide the reader with adequate
background to start using the PyStripchart
widget set. The intended audience for this tutorial includes both Open
Source software developers and members of the scientific community.
Suggestions for the tutorial are most welcome. Please send your
suggestions to Jonathan Merritt (email address is on the Contact Page).
PyStripchart is developed under the Linux operating system (see, for
example, www.linux.org), and for now
this tutorial is designed for Linux users. So, the first requirement is
a well-equipped Linux box with X-Windows, etc. If you have trouble
setting this up, consult your local Linux guru.
First, you'll need GTK+ 2.4.0 installed. GTK+ is the widget set that
PyStripchart is built upon. GTK+ is used for many Linux applications,
including The Gimp. To check that
you have the correct version of GTK+ installed, you can use the program pkg-config .
Open up a Linux command shell and try the following:
[jsm@Reptile]$ which pkg-config /usr/local/bin/pkg-config [jsm@Reptile]$ pkg-config --version 0.15.0 [jsm@Reptile]$ pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0 2.4.0
(Note that [jsm@Reptile]$ is the shell prompt.) pkg-config
may not be installed in the /usr/local/bin directory as
shown above; the which command is used just to make sure
you have pkg-config installed. If pkg-config
reports that you have version 2.4.0 (or later) of GTK+ installed then
you're OK. Otherwise, go fetch and install it.
PyStripchart is written in Python, so naturally you need Python
installed to use it. To check if you have Python set up correctly, you
can try opening an interactive python session. Try the following in your
[jsm@Reptile]$ python Python 2.3.3 (#1, Jan 25 2004, 10:17:37) [GCC 3.3.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>
If you can successfully open an interactive session like this, and the
version indicated is 2.3.3 (or later) then Python is installed. (Note:
You can quit the Python session by pressing [Ctrl]-D .) If
you don't have this version or newer of Python then go fetch and
install it. Now would be a good time to read the Python Tutorial
if you're new to Python.
The link between Python and GTK+ is achieved via PyGTK. This is a
wrapper library, which wraps the GTK+ set of widgets and makes then
accessible to Python. To check that you have PyGTK 2.2.0 (or newer)
installed, try the following from the shell:
[jsm@Reptile]$ pkg-config --modversion pygtk-2.0 2.2.0 [jsm@Reptile]$ python Python 2.3.3 (#1, Jan 25 2004, 22:25:46) [GCC 3.3.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import gtk >>> gtk.gtk_version (2, 4, 0)
pkg-config should report version 2.2.0 (or newer) of
PyGTK. If you import the gtk module into Python as shown
then its gtk_version variable should tally with the version
of GTK+ that you have installed (as determined above). Note that there
are a PyGTK Tutorial
and FAQ available. You
should familiarize yourself with the contents of these.
Download and Installation
You can download PyStripchart from the Download
page. Currently, only the source code is available. Extract the package
using the tar program (tar -xzf <filename> ).
This will extract the source code into a directory called pystripchart-x.x.x ,
where x are the version numbers. From within the extracted directory,
you should be able to install PyStripchart by doing the following:
[jsm@Reptile]$ su Password: <root password> [root@Reptile]# python setup.py install ... <lots of installation information> ... [root@Reptile]# exit exit [jsm@Reptile]$ ./runtests.py Running PyUnit tests for pystripchart... ............................................. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 45 tests in 1.458s OK ... PyUnit tests were successful! :-) Running doctest tests for pystripchart... ... doctest tests completed.
You should see the installation complete successfully and see the tests
complete without failure. There may be different numbers of tests
performed, but there should be no errors during this process.
Example Code
PyStripchart has some examples in the demo directory of
the distribution. This tutorial will examine the code in the file striptableaudemo.py
in detail. You should be able to execute this file and experiment
with it to begin with. You'll see something like this:
The two individual channels can be expanded by clicking on their
buttons in the toolbar, and contracted by clicking on the close buttons
next to the channel name.
Example Usage
This example refers to code within the file striptableaudemo.py ,
which is included in the distribution.
Suppose that you have acquired data about the air speed of swallows
(this is a Monty Python joke - references to Monty Python are encouraged
in Python examples). You have data about the speed of both an unladen
swallow and a swallow that is carrying a coconut (unlikely though this
may seem). PyStripchart is to be used to display this data
retrospectively after it has been acquired. This is probably not the
best use for the package: it's better suited for real time display than
for retrospective display, but this scenario has been chosen for
The speed data for both swallows has been acquired at 25 Hz, for 8
seconds (therefore 200 samples for each swallow). This data has been
stored as columns in the file swallows.dat , which is
included in the distribution. The read_data() function
loads this data into two array objects, one for the unladen
swallow and one for the coconut-carrying swallow.
In the create_GUI() method, a standard, top-level GTK
window is created for the application. This window is then populated
with a menu bar, a toolbar, and a StripTableau widget. The StripTableau
widget is part of the PyStripchart distribution, and is a good widget to
use for those starting with the package. The StripTableau
widget is created within the create_StripTableau() function
in the demo.
To create the StripTableau widget, the code inside create_StripTableau()
reads as follows:
hadj = gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 8, 0.1, 1, 1) sel = gtk.Adjustment(-1) self.striptableau = stripchart.StripTableau(hadj, sel) self.striptableau.metawidth = 120 self.striptableau.gradewidth = 100 self.vbox.pack_end(self.striptableau.widget, gtk.TRUE, gtk.TRUE)
In the first part:
hadj = gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 8, 0.1, 1, 1) sel = gtk.Adjustment(-1)
A pair of gtk.Adjustment objects are created: one for
controlling the horizontal range displayed on the StripTableau
widget and one for controlling the selection capability of the widget.
The horizontal range of the widget behaves like any other range widget,
and may be connected to other widgets by assigning them the same gtk.Adjustment
object as the data model.
self.striptableau = stripchart.StripTableau(hadj, sel) self.striptableau.metawidth = 120 self.striptableau.gradewidth = 100
The widget is created, and its metawidth and gradewidth
instance variables are set. These variables control the width of the
"metadata" and "grade" parts of the widget respectively. The metadata
region is on the right where the name of the channel is displayed and
the grade region is on the left where the graduated scale is shown.
Now, both data channels are added to the widget. The code used to do
this, for example for the unladen swallow, is the following:
vadj_unladen = gtk.Adjustment(-10, -20, 20, 0, 0, 20) unladen_item = self.striptableau.addChannel(self.unladen, vadj_unladen) unladen_item.name = "Unladen" unladen_item.meta = self.create_text( "Air speed of an unladen swallow.") unladen_item.period = 1./25
First, a gtk.Adjustment is is created:
vadj_unladen = gtk.Adjustment(-10, -20, 20, 0, 0, 20)
This controls the vertical range that is shown for this particular
channel. Next, the addChannel() function is called on the StripTableau
widget to add the data to the widget:
unladen_item = self.striptableau.addChannel(self.unladen, vadj_unladen)
This function returns a TableauItem widget, which packages
the data in a GUI format for display, and this returned widget gets
assigned to unladen_item .
The code then sets the name instance variable, which sets
the name displayed on the channel in the metadata region. The meta
instance variable is set next, which is an optional component that can
be displayed in the region below the name of the channel:
unladen_item.name = "Unladen" unladen_item.meta = self.create_text( "Air speed of an unladen swallow.")
In this case, meta is set to a text view that displays
some extra information about the channel. Finally, the period
instance variable is set, which specifies the sampling period for the
original data:
Our data was sampled at 25Hz, hence the sampling period is 1/25 s.
unladen_item.period = 1./25
And that's it! This produces a functioning StripTableau
widget which contains and displays the pair of channels for the swallow