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PyStripchart Screenshots

The following are screenshots from the PyStripchart demo applications, contained in the demo directory of the distribution.

2003-04-23: striptableaudemo.py

This screenshot shows the use of the StripTableau container widget, which can be used to hold multiple sets of data to remove much of the pain in setting up stripcharts for multiple channels. The screenshot shows two sets of data: Unladen and Coconuts. The Coconuts data is being displayed in the tableau region, while the Unladen data is packed into the toolbar above. The data sets, or channels, can be shown or hidden by clicking on their toolbar items or clicking on the small close cross beside the channel name respectively.

2003-04-19: scaledstripchartdemo.py

This first screenshot shows the new ability to select continuous regions of the StripChart widget.  The selection is stored as a gtk.Adjustment which can be shared among multiple StripChart instances, as shown here.  Also used is the new HGradeScale widget displaying the horizontal scale at the bottom.

The next screenshot shows the small tick marks which appear at the data points when there is enough room for them:

2003-04-17: stripchartdemo.py

Page Last Updated: 2003-10-30

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